Café Scientifique. Is Homo Sapiens Just Another Animal?
Thursday 24 May, 6.30 - 8.00 PM
Café Scientifique.
Is Homo Sapiens Just Another Animal
at BelowZero, 31 - 33 Heddon Street, London W1B 4BN
Entrance Free.
Join this fascinating public debate about the nature of Man.
Café Scientifique is a forum for debating science issues and a place where everyone can come to explore the latest ideas in science and technology over a drink.
Professor Steve Jones, Department of Biology, University College London.
Steve Jones is Professor of Genetics at Galton Laboratory. He is a television presenter and a prize-winning author on the subject of biology and evolution. Through his many broadcasts on radio and television, his lectures, popular science books and his regular science column in The Daily Telegraph Professor Jones promotes the public understanding of science in areas such as human evolution and variation, race, sex, inherited disease and genetic manipulation.
Associate Professor Klas Kullander, Department of Neuroscience, Biomedical Centre, Uppsala, Sweden.
Klas Kullander heads the Unit for Developmental Genetics at the Department of Neuroscience where he studies the function and development of the nervous system. In other words, he is interested in how the brain works and how it is formed. The research group is based in Uppsala, where Carl Linnaeus lived and worked. Kullander won the prestigious Fernström Prize for successful young researchers in 2006.
Facilitated by Dr Daniel Glaser, The Wellcome Trust.
Dr Glaser is development manager in public engagement at the Wellcome Trust. He comes from a neuroscience background, was the first 'Scientist in Residence' at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA), has presented a television series for the BBC and co-chairs Café Scientifique at the Photographers' Gallery.
The debate, which is held outside a traditional academic context, is open\nto the public and the entrance is free.
The debate, which is held outside a traditional academic context, is open to the public and the entrance is free.
Both events are organised by the Embassy of Sweden in London as part of the 2007 Linnaeus tercentenary.